Just because a print shop operates various types of production equipment doesn’t mean that all shops are equal. Print shops can vary substantially. They can vary in terms of their technology, experience and how they interact with their customers. What should you look for in a print provider? Here’s a quick checklist to help determine the right match for you.

    1. They make you feel valued. You send out regular, timely communications to your customers, so you should expect the same from your printer. Your print provider should be proactive and quick to communicate with you, bring ideas, and respond to inquiries. You should feel that they value this relationship as much as you do. They prove to be more than just a vendor, they’re your trusted partner.
    2. They own up to their mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. For a business relationship to succeed, both parties must be willing to own up to those mistakes and make them right. Your print provider should be open to discussion about any concerns, and be willing to take their share of responsibility if something goes wrong.
    3. Their capabilities are a good match for your needs, especially as you grow. As your business grows, your marketing needs will grow, too. You need a print provider who’s a high-value contributor to your business success – whose capabilities scale with you.
    4. They stay on top of the latest trends. As your business grows, there will be opportunities to streamline your projects, elevate your marketing and increase your ROI. As a true partner, your print provider should be knowledgeable about these opportunities – continually providing you with new ideas.
    5. There is a track record of good communication. Did you know that lack of communication is the first reason companies lose business? Select a company that is proactive about communicating with you and responsive to your needs.

Business relationships are built on communication, trust, and mutual respect. It may sound cliche, but in order to differentiate themselves, print providers must “choose” to be highly relevant to their clients. Does your print provider do this? Do they invest the time and effort into understanding your needs – supporting you both now and in the future? Ensure you’re working with a print partner that checks all of the boxes.